Thursday, February 23, 2012


JMC is officially old enough to be travieso. Here is some proof.

in time out for hitting

after being removed from the computer

eating JA's snack
isn't he cute, though?


I've been feeling in a rut with school lately. Not enough fun, too much repetition. So, I talked with Papi (he usually comes up with great solutions that don't even occur to me on my own) and he made a few suggestions. We began about 2 weeks ago, and things are already feeling better.

First, most days I have a scheduled time one-on-one with JT. We play on the tablet, we read, we play a board game. It's only 15 minutes, but it has made a huge difference in his attitude and behavior for the rest of the morning. (All bets are off when it comes to naptime; which he no longer wants, but I so desperately need most days.)

Second, we finished science for the year before Christmas, with the intention of focusing on history second semester. Well, we never bought the history text we had chosen, so there was a big gaping hole in our day. We found a history curriculum we like, and have worked that into our day. It may not sound very exciting, but most of our projects and discussions come from our science and history studies, so it really has made a difference.

Third, I am trying to plan more art and craft projects. The kids love them, I really dislike the mess. I know it's important though, and I'm trying to encourage more art time and plan ideas for projects a few times each week. Especially when we're stuck inside due to the weather or illness, a good art project can really lighten the mood and help us all relax a bit. Until I have to clean up the mess.

Of course, this past week JT was sick, so our routine wasn't very, well, routine. But, the idea is there, and we did make it through one week just fine, so I really think this is going to work. For now. We'll have to reassess in a couple of weeks when the weather changes or a child moves into a new phase.  :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I want to remember...

Angie wrote about the Things that make her smile. It made me think. While I read her post, there were so many little things going on here that I normally take for granted, but they make me smile and I always want to remember them.

Here's my list:
  • JT in his various states of undress and frequent pajama days
  • JMC trying to play on the computer
  • JA reading to her brothers
  • JA telling me she likes me helping out with her theatre class
  • JMC stealing food from JT's plate
  • JA tricking JT into reading
  • JMC following the dog and bringing her food from the dog bowl
  • JA singing along to Jaci Velasquez on her CDplayer
  • JMC grabbing our legs and saying, "Got you"
  • JT asking me to read a book to just him everyday at nap time

Thanks, Angie, for helping me see the little things.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We've been in danger of sinking into the muddy abyss around here for the past two days. We're only safe if we take at least one of the following precautions:
  • use a laundry basket boat to get from room to room
  • wear pantuflas (slippers help you float better)
  • step on baby blanket lily pads
  • paint your toenails
  • imagine it's only water and swim
Now, I did not do any scientific experiments to ascertain why the above safety measures work, but according to my children, they do work. Of course, I haven't kept to the rules at all times.  The kids explanation for why I haven't sunk into the swamp is that there is still a tiny bit of nail polish on my toes. 

If your house suddenly becomes completamente lodoso, you may want to consider JA and JT's advice. (I really hope the mud goes away soon, I'm a little tired of the boats and lily pads everywhere!)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Life Lessons

Thought I would share a few of the life lessons I've learned from our 3 fire emergencies. (Yes, that's right, 3 fires in less than 8 years!)

1. When working with electricity, pink = light red = old, but a live wire!

2. The firemen are never upset that you called them.

3. Know where and how to shut the gas off to each appliance and the whole house.

4. The dryer lint needs to be cleaned from the tube that vents outside regularly. (Thanks, Katie!)

5. Once you & your children are safely outside, you really don't care about anything else.

Hope you never need these tips, but since they were all new to me, I thought I'd share. :)