Sunday, October 30, 2011

Family Time

We went camping this weekend and had a great time. Though we were disappointed the H family couldn't join us due to illness, we still enjoyed being outside and spending time together.

Here are some highlights of our weekend.

Lunch when we got there

Cooking hot dogs

Helping Papi set up the tent

Crunchy fall leaves!

Mark Twain Historic Site

Staying warm in the car

Mark Twain Lake

We didn't feel bad about not catching any fish - the seagull didn't have any luck either!

JMC was exhausted, but would only sleep in Papi's arms.

 We all enjoyed our time away. Everyone's favorite part:
JMC - running
JT - "los angelitos gigantescos!" (the gigantic marshmallows)
JA - "Ver el venado en el bosque durane nuestro paseo." (Seeing the deer on our walk in the woods.)
Mami - Hanging out and talking with Papi by the campfire after the kids were in bed.
Papi - Being together with everyone.

Now we're home and have a mountain of laundry to do (even the clean clothes smell of campfire!) The kids are asleep, exhausted from all of the running around, and I am beginning to warm up again.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mizzou Homecoming Parade

12 years in Bloomington, and I never went to any ISU homecoming parades. This past Saturday, though, Papi was working, and someone mentioned the parade is usually fun.  I am so glad we went!

We met 2 policemen on horses and they gave the kids sticker badges.

JT discovered that if you stand up and wave, you get more candy.

They spent most of the 2-hour parade like this.


JMC got this look for each and every band.

He really enjoyed the parade.

Drinking hot cocoa and watching the floats.

The parade began at 8:30am! So we brought breakfast with us.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Ok, jogging really.  And not even completely at that.  However, I, who absolutely detest running of any kind, and haven't done it since by force in jr high PE, went running this morning.  Please understand, I'm not exagerating my hatred of physical activity, especially running, in any way.  In high school, I became a lifeguard because I learned that once certified, guarding would count as my PE credits.  It worked, and I didn't have to suffer another PE class after 1st semester sophomore year.

So, back to this morning.  I went jogging. JA and I began our very modified version of the Couch to 5K program and I loved it.  No, not the running.  That was nearly as awful as I remembered. And now, I'm very sore and just want to lie down for a few days. But, the time to hang out with JA was amazing.  She talked and talked.  She told me about a dream she had, and about a holiday she wants to create. She told me about her Sunday School class, and wanting to own a farm with sheep. It was so wonderful that I think we'll do this again, maybe even this week.

Feast in 15

One of my favorite blogs for recipes and ready-planned menus is Eat at Home.  They have recently written an eBook with even more great ideas for eating well at home instead of eating out.  What I love about Eat at Home is that the menus and shopping lists are ready to go.  Feast in 15 includes ideas for preparing meals in only 15 minutes, as well as 2 weeks worth of menus and shopping lists. 

For the blog's 3rd anniversary, there will be a huge sale on Feast in 15 tomorrow, October 18th.  Normally just $4.99, you'll have the chance to grab this great resource for as little as 49 cents! A limited number of copies will be offered at each price, so get yours early to grab the best deal.

The first code goes into effect at 6am CST on the 18th. It gets you Feast in 15 for 49 cents! The code is FEAST49 

Those went fast! Now the price is 99 cents and the code is FEAST99 

The new code is FEAST199 to grab Feast in 15 for only $1.99! Good luck!


*These are affiliate links, so if you by Feast in 15 through this page, we'll get a portion of the proceeds.  Thanks!